About Ayurveda



The science of life

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian medical system of preventative and natural health care, rejuvenation, and easeful living and aging.

Ayurveda teaches that everything you do and all that you take in has the potential to be medicine that brings you closer to or further away from your natural state of balance. 

It's the art of knowing yourself , trusting your instincts, and turning your challenges into opportunities. 

You may know Ayurveda as the sister to the more well known science of Yoga. While Yoga is the practice of being with and getting to know yourself ( aka self realization), Ayurveda supports you in learning how to care for that self you're getting to know.

Ayurveda is a way of living that reminds us how to attune to the rhythms and cycles of the natural world.

This science of living looks at both the individual and the deep interconnectedness with nature and the five elements;

ether/space, air, fire, water, and earth. 

You are a radically distinctive blend of these elements- some of which have a stronger presence within you than others.

The coupling of these elements creates

3 Doshas - body/mind types.

Vata- space & air

Pitta - fire & water

Kapha- water & earth


The gift of this ancient wisdom lies within first understanding, and then living in alignment with your uniqueness. 

In other words - when we work together you will get clear on the constitution you were born with, Prakriti, and where you are now, Vikriti.

You will gain insight as to why the way you experience life in terms of things including; what brings you stress, how you deal with conflict, how much sleep you need, what foods agree with you…is different than your partner, your best friend, and your neighbor.

I’ll help you discover the small shifts you can make everyday to stay aligned and balanced with you.

This small shifts include designing simple and practical daily habits and rituals around sleeping, eating, moving your body, and connecting with yourself and nature.

It’s not reinventing the wheel- it’s changing your trajectory by 1 degree.

These little adjustments can lead you somewhere to which you may have forgotten the way,

the path home to you.